Well, I'm back!
Today I saw a few friends share their blogs, and it got me thinking... why haven't I gotten back to our blog?! Did anyone really actually ever read it?! Who knows, but hey, for out of town family and friends, it's here, and for me, it's a way to look back on what's been going on because we all know as a busy mom, you sure do forget a lot!
My goal is at least a weekly entry.... can you all hold me accountable to that? Thanks!
Last time I blogged, Elliette wasn't even around...... so let me catch ya'll up quickly!
Elliette Marie was born June 9th after a crazy long but amazingly empowering labor. We did have a CBAC (cesarean birth after cesarean) because of distress which we later learned was due to a very short cord. She's been an amazing addition to our family! She's almost 2.5 and a spunky, funny, daring little lady! She sure does challenge us!
Graceyn and Ellie get along great most of the time. As two girls 2 years apart, they do fight, but they also are close enough in age that they play well together and are interested in the same things. Great age gap in my opinion!!
Thomas was laid off from Stream in April, and after a few months being unemployed, began a new venture at CSI in Sioux City as a network engineer. He also is a full time student! He loves his new job and is very happy there!
I've been doing marketing part time for LeGrand & Company, which is a real estate company. I'm in the market for a full time job now that Graceyn's in school and Ellie is in a wonderful daycare. Hopefully I'll have news on that in a few days :D
Gracyen started pre-school in August and loves it! She goes four days a week and especially enjoys riding the bus! Elliette goes to Pams (where I went as a child!) and it's awesome! I am thrilled for her to be there.
I also am a student!! (See, I told you we were busy!) I'm in school (online) for my Masters in Professional Counseling degree, which will then allow me to become a Licensed Mental Health Counselor. My anticipated graduation is for December of 2017. After that, who knows.. I would LOVE to work with moms who have experienced birth trauma, loss, or marital issues related to having kids.
After my birth experience with Graceyn, I set out to become a birth doula and let me tell you, it's one of the most rewarding things!!!! I have attended 16 births in the last 14 months, and enjoy every minute of it, even the exhaustion after a long hard labor with a mom :D Because of this, I've made some incredible friends and business partners and am so happy to be a part of the small birth community here in Siouxland. I promise an upcoming post that is all about what a Doula is and what I do for women, because I am sure most of you do not know what I just said!
Time to head to pick up the kiddos, until next time!
The Winegardner Family
Thanks for visiting!
Monday, September 29, 2014
Thursday, March 31, 2011
new news!
I know.. I promised I would keep this blog updated, and I've been failing at that!!! Here are some updates! I am not working at the Center for Siouxland anymore! I have been working at Touchstone Living Center for about two weeks now as Social Service Director. I have many jobs there, and I REALLY love it. No two days are the same, and I stay so busy all day that the days fly by! I can't believe it's been two weeks already! I am luck that a friend of mine is the other Social Service Director (for the other side of the building) and she was the one to train me! That helped a lot I think! Some other news, If you are local to us, you have already heard that Stream Global (where Thomas works) lost a big contract recently. It was Apple, the one Thomas works for. So as of May 9 he was going to be jobless. I say was with a very very happy :-) !!! Saturday Thomas interviewed at a z wireless (verizon) store and was offered the job on Tuesday. I told him to wait thru the week and then let them know on Friday if he planned to take the job. Yesterday he put in his resignation at Stream, and planned to call z wireless today or tomorrow. He called me at lunch and was VERY happy to tell me that Stream got a new contract (I can't say the name of the company yet he said.. but will share soon!) and he is VERY excited about this contract, as it is really his dream job to get paid to do this activity! (I can say its a video game system, but not which one) and that he will be a trainer. He will likely be going to Oregon for training sometime in the next month or two. The best of this news is of course that he is staying where he is, and not losing health benefits! They are incredible benefits, and my new job has insurance, but it is not good, and could cost a small fortune just to go to a dr until our deductible is met, so I didn't want to have to do that. He also won't lose his senority! He said he is #2 on the list of all the apple employees of the people they are keeping on :-) makes me proud! I know he complains about them sometimes, but I knew deep down he wanted to stay there, for both the benefits and the stable job. His hours may change, since this new contract is 8a-12a openings, but likely he'll have a good schedule since he'll be doing training classes. Graceyn is changing more and more daily. She is getting to be one smart kid! She is just over 17 months now! She is saying a ton ton ton of words, can count to 5, and does at least 50 signs. We are also getting ready for potty training! She is showing a lot of signs that she's ready, and the day care lady is pushing to start while she's showing interest (and I agree). so we are going to embark on that journey in the next week or two. I am very nervous.. but I think she'll do well, and it will be nice to have a good break in using diapers! At least until we have another kid.. someday! Nice thing is that I won't need to buy many diapers, since I will use all of the cloth diapers Graceyn has been using! Very handy in saving money!!!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
It has been far too long!
Well I have to say a big SORRY! That it has taken me so long to post a new entry. I'm not even sure if people read this, so I guess I could be talking to myself! disclaimer- if you are reading this- this post may get lengthy! Lots to update!
Anyway- some updates!
Thomas is still at Stream working for Apple, and I am still at the Center for Siouxland. Something recent- Thomas now works M-F 8-5, so we have a 'normal' family schedule!! (he was working 4 10 hour day from 9a-8p)
Graceyn is changing every day! She is 18lb 6oz and 30.5 inches tall, and is now about 15.5 months old. Time is sure flying! She was recently hospitalized for a day with pneumonia and RSV, but has recovered well and is back to her usual perky self! She is such a smart kid! She knows 40+ signs and says several words. She adores her Baby Signing Time DVD's and requests to watch them frequently! It has been such a help, because she doesn't get frustrated when she wants something and we don't understand. She can usually sign it ot us if she is unable to speak the words! I think that is why so far we've been almost 'melt down' free!
She loves playing with her dolls and riding on her cars! She is a very busy little lady!
Another update about us- Yesterday I went with a friend to Sioux Falls to meet a Nurse Midwife there. I wanted to get more information about how things could go for our next child. Let me first be clear I am NOT pregnant, and we are not TRYING to get pregnant right now. I don't want any rumors started or strange comments to come in :) anyway, My friend and I both want to have a VBAC with our next kids. For those who do not know what that means, it is vaginal birth after ceserian. With Graceyn I had a csection because I was wrongly induced at 36 weeks, which lead to an impatient dr. and a csection. It was a terrible experience not seeing my baby for such a long time after having her, and to have to be strapped to a table as well. I also would like to be able to care for the baby and not rely on my husband (bless his heart!) and nurses to do everything while I am stuck in bed for days. So I am opting to try for a VBAC, which is very safe, and actually recommended to try.
ANYWAY! So we met with the midwife, and she was incredible. Most people probably won't understand, and I get that, but at least have an open mind and be respectful of my wishes. She is very good at what she does, she has worked at the Avera Women's Center for 13 years. She works side by side with the 10 OB's as well as one other midwife. I will only be seeing the two midwives, and I will not be seen by an OB unless surgery is 100% absolutely needed. Some differences with using a midwife vs. an ob for a VBAC are shown in the numbers. The success rate for VBAC with the midwives is 80%. The success rate for a VBAC with the OB's is 15%. that is a massive difference. The reason? Midwives believe in waiting, letting a woman's body do what it was meant to do. They try to not use interventions unless they are really needed. Nothing is done without a good explaination, and, ultimately it is still our choice. For example, I will be allowed to use the whirlpool while in labor, to walk, get out of bed, sit in a chair, on the birthing ball, do what I want. I will be allowed to drink water/juice and not just be handed ice chips. I will be able to push and labor in any position that I feel comfortable with, not necessarily on flat on my back. All of these things are important to me. They try to do things as intervention free as you want, but if I wanted any pain management I could also have that (ie- epidural, demerol, etc.) I plan however to not use those, and to try to use hypnobirthing. Most of you will now say I'm insane, which is fine, go ahead. I haven't quite got myself convinced yet either... hypnobirthing is just a deep relaxation technique that you learn and practice to work with your body during contractions. Even the hospital nurses there at Avera are trained in hypnobirthing and are supportive of it! They are actually possibly going to start a class up there! So back to the midwife- She was great, she talked with us like friends, not like she was there to just say what we wanted to hear and get us on our way so she could be paid. She spend TWO hours with us! She answered every question I could think of... and she went through every page of my big binder of hospital and dr. records and concurred that I was in fact induced for no medical reason at all. She actually suggested I maybe get a legal opinion.
So after that appointment we went to dinner at Old Chicago, then back to the Hospital for a tour of the women's center. It was beautiful! It is nearly brand new. It has a dad's den wtih leather chairs and a huge tv for them to relax if needed and it has a kids play area. There is a full service kitchen only for the mom/dads so you dont have to order from the cafeteria- its set up buffet style so you can go get whatever. They had waffle makers, slushies, soft serve ice cream machine, salad bar, and much more :) it was nice. They also have amazing rooms. Huge whirlpool tubs, full size beds, so if dad wants he can sleep with mom. Pull out couches, extra chairs for family, large flat screen tv's with movies/games, and the list goes on. It's just beautiful.
A little story- we were waiting outside labor and delivery for the tour and there was a family waiting for someone to have a baby- a little girl with blonde hair about 3-4 years old with her ' big sister ' shirt on was running around anxiously and the Grandparents were all there. Well the dad came out to announce that it was a girl and just seeing the family get excited, and the little girl was so cute! it has us both tearing up :) something we never got to experience because of the situation. Our families saw Graceyn in the nursery and watched her a while, even got to take pictures before I saw her (more then the 2 seconds before they took her away) or held her. So I am looking forward to hopefully a little bit of alone time before we have visitors.
I want to say again, I am NOT pregnant, and we are NOT trying! Just planning ahead because the way we were treated is still fresh with us, and it's taking a long time to work past it. Making a plan and seeing other options yesterday has me feeling so much better about our future. Knowing that they are there to help us do what we were meant to do, and to support us, even if it takes days.... and not to be wanting to induce/do a csection just so it is faster and they make more money, that is what is important. The fact that the midwives CARE personally about us. They will remember me when I go back, I have no doubt in my mind... my ob never knew my name, he always had to look at the chart to see what it was... even after 10+ appointments he didn't know my name. Even after he had his hands elbow deep inside my body, and came to speak to me later that day, he did not know my name. That is just arrogant and impersonal. I see hundreds of people a week, sometimes only for a few minutes, but I still remember their names usually, especially the people I see more then once!
Alright, this has gotten very long, and rambling... Thanks for stopping by, and again, I don't expect you to understand everything, but support is all I'm asking. No negative comments please.
I will update as much as possible, and whenever we do decide the time is right for another child, I plan to document the pregnancy and labor/delivery with this blog so that I can have it printed into a 'blog book' as a keepsake. So be forewarned that if you don't want details to check before reading! I will put a disclaimer if there is sensitive info in it! :)
Have a fabulous night, and please stay warm! It is all of 0* right now here!
Anyway- some updates!
Thomas is still at Stream working for Apple, and I am still at the Center for Siouxland. Something recent- Thomas now works M-F 8-5, so we have a 'normal' family schedule!! (he was working 4 10 hour day from 9a-8p)
Graceyn is changing every day! She is 18lb 6oz and 30.5 inches tall, and is now about 15.5 months old. Time is sure flying! She was recently hospitalized for a day with pneumonia and RSV, but has recovered well and is back to her usual perky self! She is such a smart kid! She knows 40+ signs and says several words. She adores her Baby Signing Time DVD's and requests to watch them frequently! It has been such a help, because she doesn't get frustrated when she wants something and we don't understand. She can usually sign it ot us if she is unable to speak the words! I think that is why so far we've been almost 'melt down' free!
She loves playing with her dolls and riding on her cars! She is a very busy little lady!
Another update about us- Yesterday I went with a friend to Sioux Falls to meet a Nurse Midwife there. I wanted to get more information about how things could go for our next child. Let me first be clear I am NOT pregnant, and we are not TRYING to get pregnant right now. I don't want any rumors started or strange comments to come in :) anyway, My friend and I both want to have a VBAC with our next kids. For those who do not know what that means, it is vaginal birth after ceserian. With Graceyn I had a csection because I was wrongly induced at 36 weeks, which lead to an impatient dr. and a csection. It was a terrible experience not seeing my baby for such a long time after having her, and to have to be strapped to a table as well. I also would like to be able to care for the baby and not rely on my husband (bless his heart!) and nurses to do everything while I am stuck in bed for days. So I am opting to try for a VBAC, which is very safe, and actually recommended to try.
ANYWAY! So we met with the midwife, and she was incredible. Most people probably won't understand, and I get that, but at least have an open mind and be respectful of my wishes. She is very good at what she does, she has worked at the Avera Women's Center for 13 years. She works side by side with the 10 OB's as well as one other midwife. I will only be seeing the two midwives, and I will not be seen by an OB unless surgery is 100% absolutely needed. Some differences with using a midwife vs. an ob for a VBAC are shown in the numbers. The success rate for VBAC with the midwives is 80%. The success rate for a VBAC with the OB's is 15%. that is a massive difference. The reason? Midwives believe in waiting, letting a woman's body do what it was meant to do. They try to not use interventions unless they are really needed. Nothing is done without a good explaination, and, ultimately it is still our choice. For example, I will be allowed to use the whirlpool while in labor, to walk, get out of bed, sit in a chair, on the birthing ball, do what I want. I will be allowed to drink water/juice and not just be handed ice chips. I will be able to push and labor in any position that I feel comfortable with, not necessarily on flat on my back. All of these things are important to me. They try to do things as intervention free as you want, but if I wanted any pain management I could also have that (ie- epidural, demerol, etc.) I plan however to not use those, and to try to use hypnobirthing. Most of you will now say I'm insane, which is fine, go ahead. I haven't quite got myself convinced yet either... hypnobirthing is just a deep relaxation technique that you learn and practice to work with your body during contractions. Even the hospital nurses there at Avera are trained in hypnobirthing and are supportive of it! They are actually possibly going to start a class up there! So back to the midwife- She was great, she talked with us like friends, not like she was there to just say what we wanted to hear and get us on our way so she could be paid. She spend TWO hours with us! She answered every question I could think of... and she went through every page of my big binder of hospital and dr. records and concurred that I was in fact induced for no medical reason at all. She actually suggested I maybe get a legal opinion.
So after that appointment we went to dinner at Old Chicago, then back to the Hospital for a tour of the women's center. It was beautiful! It is nearly brand new. It has a dad's den wtih leather chairs and a huge tv for them to relax if needed and it has a kids play area. There is a full service kitchen only for the mom/dads so you dont have to order from the cafeteria- its set up buffet style so you can go get whatever. They had waffle makers, slushies, soft serve ice cream machine, salad bar, and much more :) it was nice. They also have amazing rooms. Huge whirlpool tubs, full size beds, so if dad wants he can sleep with mom. Pull out couches, extra chairs for family, large flat screen tv's with movies/games, and the list goes on. It's just beautiful.
A little story- we were waiting outside labor and delivery for the tour and there was a family waiting for someone to have a baby- a little girl with blonde hair about 3-4 years old with her ' big sister ' shirt on was running around anxiously and the Grandparents were all there. Well the dad came out to announce that it was a girl and just seeing the family get excited, and the little girl was so cute! it has us both tearing up :) something we never got to experience because of the situation. Our families saw Graceyn in the nursery and watched her a while, even got to take pictures before I saw her (more then the 2 seconds before they took her away) or held her. So I am looking forward to hopefully a little bit of alone time before we have visitors.
I want to say again, I am NOT pregnant, and we are NOT trying! Just planning ahead because the way we were treated is still fresh with us, and it's taking a long time to work past it. Making a plan and seeing other options yesterday has me feeling so much better about our future. Knowing that they are there to help us do what we were meant to do, and to support us, even if it takes days.... and not to be wanting to induce/do a csection just so it is faster and they make more money, that is what is important. The fact that the midwives CARE personally about us. They will remember me when I go back, I have no doubt in my mind... my ob never knew my name, he always had to look at the chart to see what it was... even after 10+ appointments he didn't know my name. Even after he had his hands elbow deep inside my body, and came to speak to me later that day, he did not know my name. That is just arrogant and impersonal. I see hundreds of people a week, sometimes only for a few minutes, but I still remember their names usually, especially the people I see more then once!
Alright, this has gotten very long, and rambling... Thanks for stopping by, and again, I don't expect you to understand everything, but support is all I'm asking. No negative comments please.
I will update as much as possible, and whenever we do decide the time is right for another child, I plan to document the pregnancy and labor/delivery with this blog so that I can have it printed into a 'blog book' as a keepsake. So be forewarned that if you don't want details to check before reading! I will put a disclaimer if there is sensitive info in it! :)
Have a fabulous night, and please stay warm! It is all of 0* right now here!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sorry so late!
I forgot to update after the dr. appointment! She was 13.5lb 25in, and in great shape!
We also didn't go on our little road trip. Some of our friends were going to be busy, and we decided to save the money, since we ended up needing it to fix the car! but we hope to make it that way in may sometime!
In other news, Thomas now works 8-5, sunday-thursday! woooo its been soooo nice having him home at night to help out, and also being able to eat dinner and go to bed at a good time!!
Its been so nice outside we've been able to do some walking as well! We sure went right into spring, with these 70 degree days!
Gracyen is now a rolling machine! she rolls everywhere, all the time. What I don't like is that she is rolling in bed, and I don't like finding her on her belly in bed just yet! She is sleeping on her side now, but in the morning she rolls to her tummy, then gets mad, even though she is capable of rolling right back! She is sitting very well now, and doesn't tip much at all! She also has a jumperoo now, and is having a blast jumping like crazy in that! She is doing great with foods, but has recently decided she was going to refuse all veggies. just out of nowhere! so we always start with a veggie and try to get her to eat as much as possible, but it usually ends up fruit--she chows that down no problem! Little stinker! but i guess at least she is eating something! She is still getting up about once a night, mostly for a diaper, and a sip of juice! and then back to sleep! so hopefully we can break that soon! she did do a night or two of all night last week, so i know she can do it!
WEll I'll try to update more frequently! I haven't had a lot of time lately!
We also didn't go on our little road trip. Some of our friends were going to be busy, and we decided to save the money, since we ended up needing it to fix the car! but we hope to make it that way in may sometime!
In other news, Thomas now works 8-5, sunday-thursday! woooo its been soooo nice having him home at night to help out, and also being able to eat dinner and go to bed at a good time!!
Its been so nice outside we've been able to do some walking as well! We sure went right into spring, with these 70 degree days!
Gracyen is now a rolling machine! she rolls everywhere, all the time. What I don't like is that she is rolling in bed, and I don't like finding her on her belly in bed just yet! She is sleeping on her side now, but in the morning she rolls to her tummy, then gets mad, even though she is capable of rolling right back! She is sitting very well now, and doesn't tip much at all! She also has a jumperoo now, and is having a blast jumping like crazy in that! She is doing great with foods, but has recently decided she was going to refuse all veggies. just out of nowhere! so we always start with a veggie and try to get her to eat as much as possible, but it usually ends up fruit--she chows that down no problem! Little stinker! but i guess at least she is eating something! She is still getting up about once a night, mostly for a diaper, and a sip of juice! and then back to sleep! so hopefully we can break that soon! she did do a night or two of all night last week, so i know she can do it!
WEll I'll try to update more frequently! I haven't had a lot of time lately!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Well I am so excited right now I don't know where to start!
Firstly, Graceyn is getting huge! She is now 26 inches, and I'd estimate about 13 or so pounds! maybe more!? She has recently started blowing raspberries, but only when she is getting upset! It is sooooo funny! We think she will probably skip crawling and go right to walking later on. She hates being on her tummy! And if given a choice would rather be standing than sitting or laying! So it will be interesting to see what she does! She is also now in 6 month clothes! We might be in trouble! We got her 6 and 9 month summer clothes! but her issue is that everthing is short, but its still baggy on her, so we are thinking that summer stuff is already short, so it wont be noticable! she might be able to wear that stuff! As of now the 9 month stuff is still huge! and falls off her skinny butt!
Next- My car died on Thursday. You may wonder why I'm so excited!? Well that is because now its in amazing shape. I got new brake pads on, got a new multi-funciton switch (which is what went out!), a new battery, and new tires! all I need now is to vacuum it and get my oil changed and we'll be in great shape! Which bring me to my next thing-
we are going on a mini road trip in a couple of weeks! On April 9 Graceyn has her next dr. visit at 8am, and I took the day off. After her appointment we are heading east! We are going to Iowa city to visit friends on Friday night, then on Satruday we are going to Cedar rapids to see my friend Lindsay and her husband Ed. They are expecting in Aug. and I am passing my maternity clothes off for her to borrow! It will be nice to get that big box out of my living room! then after we see them, we are stopping in cedar falls possibly for some of our favorite chinese food! Then on to Des Moines where we are going to meet up with a new friend of mine! Melissa and I met on a pregnancy message board waaay back last march or april, and found out that she lives in Des Moines! We've been emailing and talking on Facebook for quite a while now, and we have finally found the time to meet for real! I'm really excited! She had her daughter just a couple days after I had Graceyn! Her husband is a huge Iowa fan also, so I'm sure him and Thomas will get along great! After we see them we are heading home late Satruday night, in the hopes that Graceyn will sleep the whole way! If we need to we'll just stay another night, but we thought this might work better!
Another new exciting development---Thomas is now working 8-5 Mon-Thurs!!!! still works 11-8 sunday, but its ok. To have him home at 5 during the week is going to be amazing! Today was the first day of this schedule...Graceyn was confused when she had to go to day care much earlier than normal, but I am sure she'll adjust quickly! I won't know what to do when I can actually get things done or run an errand after work and have Thomas there to help with her! Plus we can now eat dinner at a 'normal' time! Not at 930 anymore!
And lastly, the weather has me excited! It is supposed to be sunny and in the upper 50's all week! We will certainly be going out for walks this week!!!
Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather we are getting, and if you aren't getting nice weather.....when I'm not sorry, cause we've had one heck of a winter and I just don't have it in me to feel bad for anyone else with crappy weather right now :)
Take care! I'll for sure update after her Dr. appt with height and weight, etc!
Firstly, Graceyn is getting huge! She is now 26 inches, and I'd estimate about 13 or so pounds! maybe more!? She has recently started blowing raspberries, but only when she is getting upset! It is sooooo funny! We think she will probably skip crawling and go right to walking later on. She hates being on her tummy! And if given a choice would rather be standing than sitting or laying! So it will be interesting to see what she does! She is also now in 6 month clothes! We might be in trouble! We got her 6 and 9 month summer clothes! but her issue is that everthing is short, but its still baggy on her, so we are thinking that summer stuff is already short, so it wont be noticable! she might be able to wear that stuff! As of now the 9 month stuff is still huge! and falls off her skinny butt!
Next- My car died on Thursday. You may wonder why I'm so excited!? Well that is because now its in amazing shape. I got new brake pads on, got a new multi-funciton switch (which is what went out!), a new battery, and new tires! all I need now is to vacuum it and get my oil changed and we'll be in great shape! Which bring me to my next thing-
we are going on a mini road trip in a couple of weeks! On April 9 Graceyn has her next dr. visit at 8am, and I took the day off. After her appointment we are heading east! We are going to Iowa city to visit friends on Friday night, then on Satruday we are going to Cedar rapids to see my friend Lindsay and her husband Ed. They are expecting in Aug. and I am passing my maternity clothes off for her to borrow! It will be nice to get that big box out of my living room! then after we see them, we are stopping in cedar falls possibly for some of our favorite chinese food! Then on to Des Moines where we are going to meet up with a new friend of mine! Melissa and I met on a pregnancy message board waaay back last march or april, and found out that she lives in Des Moines! We've been emailing and talking on Facebook for quite a while now, and we have finally found the time to meet for real! I'm really excited! She had her daughter just a couple days after I had Graceyn! Her husband is a huge Iowa fan also, so I'm sure him and Thomas will get along great! After we see them we are heading home late Satruday night, in the hopes that Graceyn will sleep the whole way! If we need to we'll just stay another night, but we thought this might work better!
Another new exciting development---Thomas is now working 8-5 Mon-Thurs!!!! still works 11-8 sunday, but its ok. To have him home at 5 during the week is going to be amazing! Today was the first day of this schedule...Graceyn was confused when she had to go to day care much earlier than normal, but I am sure she'll adjust quickly! I won't know what to do when I can actually get things done or run an errand after work and have Thomas there to help with her! Plus we can now eat dinner at a 'normal' time! Not at 930 anymore!
And lastly, the weather has me excited! It is supposed to be sunny and in the upper 50's all week! We will certainly be going out for walks this week!!!
Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather we are getting, and if you aren't getting nice weather.....when I'm not sorry, cause we've had one heck of a winter and I just don't have it in me to feel bad for anyone else with crappy weather right now :)
Take care! I'll for sure update after her Dr. appt with height and weight, etc!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Graceyn is 4 months old!
Graceyn will be 4 months tomorrow! Where the heck has the time gone!? She is getting so big! She is also starting to play more and be more aware of things. She has really began to have a facination with this lion on her mobile! So much in fact, that at target they had a matching lion stuffed animal with toys attached, she snatched it off the shelf and wouldn't put it back!!! So we of course got it for her......and so it begins!
She hates laying down now...she always wants to be sitting or standing! She sits very well with a little help, but i give her about a month and she'll certainly be sitting by herself! She is very strong for such a little kid!
She is also eating baby food now! She really loves sweet potatoes! She actually ate the whole container last night! Yes, she did wear a lot of it, because after every bite she stuck her hands in her mouth, which made a huge mess! but she enjoyed it! she also had cereal this morning for breakfast and really likes that! she knows what to do with a spoon, and understands that she has to eat it off the spoon! She doesn't spit it out either...well..unless she doesnt like what we put in her mouth!
She has learned to scoot too. on her back she will use her feet and scoot backwards. I wish she'd do it on her tummy, so at least she can see where she is going! one of these days she'll run into something! She hates her tummy, she always flips right over if we put her down that way. she does push herself up very well, i am sure she'll be an early crawler! (if she crawls! she loves standing already too)
Not much else going on at this time! Which is good!!! Hope everyone is staying warm! We really are hoping for an early spring so we can get outside!!!
She hates laying down now...she always wants to be sitting or standing! She sits very well with a little help, but i give her about a month and she'll certainly be sitting by herself! She is very strong for such a little kid!
She is also eating baby food now! She really loves sweet potatoes! She actually ate the whole container last night! Yes, she did wear a lot of it, because after every bite she stuck her hands in her mouth, which made a huge mess! but she enjoyed it! she also had cereal this morning for breakfast and really likes that! she knows what to do with a spoon, and understands that she has to eat it off the spoon! She doesn't spit it out either...well..unless she doesnt like what we put in her mouth!
She has learned to scoot too. on her back she will use her feet and scoot backwards. I wish she'd do it on her tummy, so at least she can see where she is going! one of these days she'll run into something! She hates her tummy, she always flips right over if we put her down that way. she does push herself up very well, i am sure she'll be an early crawler! (if she crawls! she loves standing already too)
Not much else going on at this time! Which is good!!! Hope everyone is staying warm! We really are hoping for an early spring so we can get outside!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010

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